Sunday, May 17, 2009

2 months(Soon~) insight about GV.

GV! Not Golden Village. But its about 2 persons so in love with each other. And G stands for Geraldine while V, Vincent.

** A word of caution to my baby; 读了脸不要太红. =)
*And a word of caution for those who cant stand PDA (Public Display of Affection), I advise that you close this blog immediately =)

From 29 March 09 at the roof terrace where we were found and picked up. Like how you are half of my rib and like how I am half of your rib- We fit like a piece of lost and found jigsaw puzzle that was lost for the past 22 years.

Miracles begin to happen from then. How we got past each obstacle where we always thought it was impossible to get by.

We complement each other like how DNA strands complement each other - In perfect symmetry and harmony. Every likes and dislikes, every habit were almost a 99.9999% match. How we find boring stuff interesting and how we are. It was as though this time, our meet has been pre-arranged. Have been designated by God.

When we came up with the 6-years plan, and GV project how people thought we were mad but both of us thought that they were very very good ideas. When I asked you about how you think, I was afraid that I may be going on to fast but to my suprise, it has been a lingering thought in your mind already!

You made me whole. You completed us. I can never leave you. Neither will I lose you.

God put us in this path together so we can complete each other and walk in faith in this path to serve in His House and in glory.

Come to think of it baby, He spoke to me... weeks even before I decided confess to you. Some messages I heard in service that struck me hard. =)
"Never look back and trust in Him. Take the step for he shall provide."

"If you put your trust in him, fall by his will and he shall catch you."

"He will put you out to a situation at the most inconvinent moment but that is nothing you can't handle."

I love God. And God gave us each other while we were not expecting us. I love you baby. Its beyond words already.

PROject QSB shall be carried out.... hehz.

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